
Social Media Book Tag

Twitter: Your favorite shortest book.
Morreste-me, José Luís Peixoto
Facebook: A book everyone pressured you into reading.
Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal, J. K. Rowling
Tumblr: A book you read before it was cool.
Se Eu Ficar, Gayle Forman
Myspace: A book you don't remember whether you liked or not.
O Zahír, Paulo Coelho
Instagram: A book that was so beautiful you had to instagram it.
Mrs. Dalloway, Virginia Woolf
Youtube: A book you wish would be turned into a movie.
Ana e o Beijo Francês, Stephanie Perkins (e os restantes volumes da série)
Goodreads: A book you recommend to everyone.
A todos os rapazes que amei, Jenny Han

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